Crab Stitch
Mary Beth TempleDescription
This stitch pattern is also called reverse single crochet, as the single crochet stitches are worked in the opposite direction than they are typically created. To begin, Mary Beth has a swatch of crocheted fabric, where a row has just been completed. She does not turn the work. She chains one stitch and then starts working in the reverse direction.
With the hook orientated in the same way that she would normally hold the hook for single crochet, she single crochets into the next stitch. Mary Beth is working from left to right to create the crab stitch instead of the conventional right to left. She repeats this process, working a single crochet stitch in the next stitch to the right for several more stitches.
Once the crab stitch is complete, it’s easy to see why it makes such a nice edging. It has a nice twist to it, creating a cord-like appearance. Mary Beth likes to use this stitch as an edging on all sorts of projects. She finds it especially attractive when used on the top of pockets, or for necklines and cuffs on a sweater.