Avoid Holes When Making Cables
Brenda K.B. AndersonDescription
To begin, Brenda explains the stitch diagram used in the pattern. These cables combine extended single crochets and post stitches to create the highly textured stitch pattern.
Once Brenda explains the stitches used in the pattern, she begins to work the Wintertide Cable Hat pattern. With a smaller hook, she begins with a foundation chain and working stitches in the back loop only to create the ribbing. She joins the ribbing band with slip stitch, switches to the larger crochet hook and begins the body of the hat pattern.
To avoid the holes on the cable rounds, Brenda makes an extended single crochet and works it together with a post stitch, as the pattern instructions indicate. This fills in the gap that is usually created by the cable twist and allows for a smooth background fabric. Brenda continues to demonstrate how to work the hat pattern as written.
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